Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fiction & Fabric

According to the folks at True Up online retailer is now selling fabric via Amazon . Sadly, it does not appear to qualify for super saver shipping.

I have to admit I have resisted ordering fabric online mainly because I'm impatient, but also because I find the colors are hard to read on screen. However, there are a number of online sources that are very tempting. Here's my current fantasy shopping list:

Garden Party at Sew Mama Sew

Marimekko prints (reasonably priced!) at The Fabric Fairy

What's Buzzin' Cuzzin ? at Cicada Studio

Modern Flora at J. Caroline Creative

Japanese Imports at Repro Depot

Alas, I think any actual shopping will have to wait until I finish at least one item on my current project list.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Work in Progress

I'm currently obsessed with finishing my Charley Harper crosstitch patterns. This is the last one of a series of three that I'm thinking that will look good framed and hanging over my bookcase.

I love the detail of crosstitch but I've found it hard to find patterns that have a more modern look to them. Generally they seem to range from the super cutesy baby stuff or the more traditional samplers. I was very excited when I found these patterns inspired by Charley Harper's artwork. They are also available here. At $6 and under they're not only beautiful, but affordable.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Spencer

Spencer Elden is turning 18. You might recognize him....

Are you feeling old yet? To see what Spencer looks like today check out this interview on the NPR website.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Run don't walk!

If you haven't already, you must watch Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog. It has superheroes, villians, laundry, frozen yogurt and an evil horse. What more could you ask for?

Available here for free but only until midnight tonight. No need to fret if you miss the deadline, it is available for purchase on ITunes.

I *heart* NPH !

Dog Days

My friend Meredith is expecting any day now. I had some leftover fabric from the diaper bag I made her so I decided to make baby Sara a little something extra.

Patterns to make your own dachshund can be found here.

Friday, July 18, 2008


My new produce bags are ready for the farmer's market. All in all, a very simple project.

It was my first attempt at sewing with sheer fabric but, with a few simple adjustments, it went together with relative ease. First, use the smallest needle you have on hand (I used a 12) and set the machine to your longest stitch length. The fabric (a sheer curtain)was a little slippery going thru the machine but by holding the fabic taut (front and back) I managed a reasonably straight stitch. A tear away stabilizer might have helped but, for this project, I didn't bother.

I'm not a particularly fast sewist but even with the added difficulty of sewing with the sheer fabric I was able to put this together while watching Project Runway. For the record, based on the grocery store challenge, I'm rooting for Daniel. Who knew you make a dress out of plastic cups? AMAZING. I'm also loving Terri's crocheted top made entirely of mop heads. I've never seen a mop look so chic. See all the designs here.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Pie crust + rhubarb + peaches + inspiration =


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Environmental Poser

I like to think I do my part for the environment. On the plus side, we’re a one car family, take public transportation when we can and recycle. On the minus side I have been known to leave lights on in rooms I’m not in and on hot summer days I admit I have, once or twice, left a fan on for the cats while we were at work. Nobody is perfect.

I sometimes feel like a bit of an environmental poser because over the past few years I have been on a crusade to rid my house of plastic bags. I wish I could say my motives were for the good of the environment but they are actually because my 20 lb cat Max has a plastic bag obsession. He can’t resist. He eats them. Sadly, the plastic bags do not love him back and his fascination has led to a colorful litterbox and a painful and expensive trip to the vet.

An indignant Max sporting his "Flashdance" look after his
plastic eating induced hospital stay

We switched to canvas bags for shopping and errands years ago, but I admit I sometimes feel the need to bag my produce in those flimsy plastic bags. I know I shouldn’t do it, but sometimes I just don’t want my tomatoes rolling around the bottom of the cart. I knew there had to be a better way and I think I’ve found it. I read this tutorial and I’m going to give it a try. It’ll be my first attempt at working with the sheer fabric and I’m a little nervous. I found a curtain panel for $1 at a yard sale last weekend so I’ve added it to the project list. Stay tuned.